Ideal pricing for your use case. The pricing is based on a basic subscription plus additionally fees per 1000 Emails/PDFs.
You pay for the monthly subscription which you can cancel any time plus any additional fees when going beyond the included limited of Emails and PDFs.
Everytime you generate the html code for an Email or generate a PDF document we're accounting for it. It does not matter if you send the Email via us or by yourself.
Yes, we also allow to provide your own HTML code to generate one or more PDFs, please see our documentation for more details.
Yes, absolutely! The Email and PDF-Editors are specifically made to be embedded into your very own applications to provide your users a great experience.
Our OpenAPI documentation can be found here. To get started developing with our API or embedding our editors into your app please go here.
We offer support via support tickets during regular office ours. Just go to our support page to contact us. Please ensure to be logged in without your account.
If you are not yet a customer or have any non support related question please contact us.